Sunday, January 25, 2009

Okay so so far there hasn't been anything funny...but i swear the blogs'll pick up. hopefully. and if not, i could always start posting guides about measuring stuff.
meanwhile, here's a a little something about something very special to me:

Oh showerhead. How i love you so
with your three water settings of painful, mildly painful, and pansy
yes, i'll admit it, i'm a pansy type of person.
the painful is just too, well painful.
besides, when you want to wash down there, it's quite unpleasant;
kind of like sand paper. but i'm getting off topic
Why do i not use mildy painful? because,
mildly painful is for indecisive faggots.
i'm sorry that was uncalled for. what was i talking about again? oh right
anyways, i especially love how stiff you are.
Unlike other showerheads i've used, whom
don't stay on the fucking hook thing. and when
you raise it, they fall back down like an old person
with erectcile disfunction. I love vaginas.
Lastly, i must commend you on your foresight.
you know just when some asshole has flushed the toilet
or turned on the sink, and you let me know
with your shrill whistling, that i'm about
to get burned like a motha fucka (i know im' not gangster.)
You give me just the right amount of time for me
to hop away before i am scorched, charred, seared, burnt, singed, branded, cauterized, blistered, scalded, parched.
and for that, I thank you.

Soporific. (i'm not grammatically retarded, I swear)

1 comment:

  1. Lmao nice comparasons. Soporific... You should get your own word, and not steal from Wit. tsktsk
