Saturday, January 31, 2009


I saw this show on MTV the other day...and wow. I have to say, television has really reached it's zenith. The show is just pure genius. I mean, it's like The Bachelor (and all it's ripoffs), but with all guys! Okay so for those of you who aren't up to date on all that's hip and cool, I'll elaborate. The show is a spin-off of The Hills which is a spin-off of Laguna Beach - a dumbed down version of The OC. Well anyways, the premise of this show is that this guy needs a new best friend, or "bro". How will he accomplish this? Like any other celebrity ofcourse; through a series of challenges and test that will truly reveal a strangers personality and intentions, after which the celebrity in question will finally able to find a true and trustworthy friend with whom he can spend the rest of eternity with drinking beers and oggling chicks. Oh and don't forget, that friend's goals for being on the show is obviously neither fame nor fortune, but purely to find an everlasting "Bromance".

First and foremost, how do Brody's real friends feel? I wouldn't be too happy if suddenly one (out of my vast array) of friends just woke up one day and decided, "Hey, I don't really enjoy hanging out with you anymore so I think I'm going to find a new friend". Secondly, even the winner is still a loser. He will have obviously abandoned his own friends as well, not to mention that he'll be forever known as Brody's Bitch. Well okay he probably won't be known very much, as his fifteen minutes will run it's due course, and eventaully he's descend back into obscurity. He'll probably return back to his old life with his ego inflated, thinking he's the shit since he got to tag along a celebrity. He'll walk around, thinking (even a little bit) that his life has been somehow enriched through this meager experience. Little does he know, that celebrity will probably have a second season (as these shows always do), and the winner's name will mean nothing more than straight porn to Lance Bass. Lastly, there is that little Asian guy they have on the show. He's so stereotypically Asian: Glasses, short,scrawny, kind of nerdy and easily pushed around. You know that they're just keeping him around to keep the viewers guessing, and to demonstrate how anybody can have a chance. But really, we all know that little asian guy's screwed.

If you're channel surfing and you happen to come across this show, I highly suggest taking a peek - I'm sure it will change your life in many profound, and wonderful ways.

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