Friday, March 13, 2009

okay so quick blog before I goto sleep. Haven't been sleeping enough we'll see how this goes...

Yeah, i've only been sleeping at like 12. and for some of you, that's fucking early. Well all i have to say to that is, you guys are retarded. :D

Effects of Sleep Deprivation:
1.No impulse control. You will say/do anything that comes to mind, whether it be sending a random message* to someone you barely know, or yielding to suggestions that make you look stupid. For example, going around the room in a daze look for blank paper. Which brings me to my second point! *arrow thing pointing down*
2.You fail to notice things you can potentially trip over. Like bags.
3.Dirty minded + no impulse control =....well you can guess.
4.You become unaware of your surroundings, and every situation becomes basically the same. Causing you to act the same...whether it be in a computer lab, a library, or inside my pants, but still outside the boxers.
5.You notice your developing double chin.
6.You stay up til 1 AM wasting precious time not doing shit.

Btw, HAVE FUN IN EUROPE SIENA. That's right, you're special enough to get a shout out from me :D

*No, that little star beside the word message wasn't just a stupid typo. It yields to this!

Hi you have a sexy body. I want to rub canola oil all over your thighs, but only your thighs. Oh and your biceps and trapezius muscles. I would really enjoy it if you would pretend that I was a chicken, and feed me licorice sticks. PLease do it. OMGZ I really enjoy BLACk licorice. I like to pretend that it's two really long stretched out grapes interwined. TEHEEHEHEHEHEHEHEH

which, was the silly message I sent. No wonder I don't have a girlfriend...and several restraining orders.

1 comment:

  1. AW, thanks for the shoutout, bud :)
    Props for saying it three days late.

    :D Lets hang out when I'm back?
