Sunday, March 21, 2010

Why do people laugh at something you said and then reply with "Man it's really late" ? So basically you're saying "You're not funny under normal circumstances." Thanks.

On a side note, my grammar has dramatically improved =D Hurray years of English!

Monday, February 22, 2010

It really is the simple things in life.

For example, who would've thought that releasing your nose of all those stuffy boogers and snot, hence recovering your ability to breathe, could be so completely satisfying?

Friday, April 10, 2009

Currently listening to: UNFAITHFUL

I was planning on typing out some lyrics..but it kept referring to another guy's love or some shit like that, and that's just NOT how i roll. Openly anyways ;)

whatever happened to Rihanna anyhow.....when she started out she was like that girl that you assumed couldn't speak english very well, and whom would secretly enjoy a good spanking, then she slowly changed into some chick who you assumed was extremely kinky and for sure enjoyed getting beat...then into that chick who liked getting beat a little too much.

It's been so long since I have shared my highly valued opinions with you folks...
oh boy it's campaign time! That means everyone's busy....and people who NEVER talk to you will, but only to ask you to help them with campaigns.

Sigh AP's coming up...I dislike school very much. So much homework....that I never bother doing. Tehee!

New Trend: Saying FML. So ever since that website has gained some popularity within our circle of friends (hurray for them) people have been uttering this phrase. And instead of exploding, I've found a way for it to amuse me. How? By pretending it really stands for *drum roll*:

Fat Male Lover

I know, I'm so clever...tehehehe :D So you know, next time you see someone with those initials..start a convo and send them a big LMFAO

I've been sleeping VERY early everyday....but since i gotta wake up earlier it kind of cancels out...which is kinda gay. I suppose I will end this blog now....

Saturday, March 28, 2009

I guess I don't really understand how conversations I thought, naively, that you need more than one person to be talking. Silly me.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I am sick of this. I refuse to ever work in a group unless I have to. There are currently no words in my vocabulary that can portray the contempt, and dare I say, pure hatred, I have for the inexplicable degree of incompetence and satisfaction with mediocrity that some people seem to possess. What the fuck.

Friday, March 13, 2009

okay so quick blog before I goto sleep. Haven't been sleeping enough we'll see how this goes...

Yeah, i've only been sleeping at like 12. and for some of you, that's fucking early. Well all i have to say to that is, you guys are retarded. :D

Effects of Sleep Deprivation:
1.No impulse control. You will say/do anything that comes to mind, whether it be sending a random message* to someone you barely know, or yielding to suggestions that make you look stupid. For example, going around the room in a daze look for blank paper. Which brings me to my second point! *arrow thing pointing down*
2.You fail to notice things you can potentially trip over. Like bags.
3.Dirty minded + no impulse control =....well you can guess.
4.You become unaware of your surroundings, and every situation becomes basically the same. Causing you to act the same...whether it be in a computer lab, a library, or inside my pants, but still outside the boxers.
5.You notice your developing double chin.
6.You stay up til 1 AM wasting precious time not doing shit.

Btw, HAVE FUN IN EUROPE SIENA. That's right, you're special enough to get a shout out from me :D

*No, that little star beside the word message wasn't just a stupid typo. It yields to this!

Hi you have a sexy body. I want to rub canola oil all over your thighs, but only your thighs. Oh and your biceps and trapezius muscles. I would really enjoy it if you would pretend that I was a chicken, and feed me licorice sticks. PLease do it. OMGZ I really enjoy BLACk licorice. I like to pretend that it's two really long stretched out grapes interwined. TEHEEHEHEHEHEHEHEH

which, was the silly message I sent. No wonder I don't have a girlfriend...and several restraining orders.